Product Information - Handy tips

Rope Conditioning tips.

When you first get your rope, it can be a little stiff, and maybe a little scratchy.
That’s why we condition jute. Some people don't do anything as they like this feel, others like me condition for a softer feeling.

There are a few different ways on how to do it, but essentially it’s all about loosening the fibres, singeing and applying rope butters or oils .. and it's up to each person what they would like.

The one thing we don’t recommend, is boiling any of our rope products as it can ruin them.

What we recommend for our jute products is as follows.

Very lightly run the rope over a friction point to loosen any fibres.

This can be done with passing the rope around a carabiner, towel rail, bed post, or any fixed point.

Cross the rope over itself a few times and gentle pull the rope through itself. This will remove any loose fibres from the manufacturing process and will fluff up the rope a bit.

Important: Don’t force it, lightly done is fine. And rope fibres can go everywhere, so pop a mask on.

Then, lightly pass your new rope over a gas flame, care is needed here as not to burn ones new rope.

This takes all the loose fibres and "fluff" off the rope. This is the bit where I recommend you go out side with a little portable camp stove rather than indoors as it can be a little smelly/messy.

With a very light damp cloth (important not to be too damp) I wipe the soot off as I go so the rope keeps the blonde jute look.

I then apply the rope butter.
I place a small scoop in the palm of my hand and slow pull the rope through with a loose grip, turning the jute as I go to get an even coating. The rope butter is use to soak in and soften the jute, you can always do a second run if you like, is up to you, it does go a long way so you don’t need to use too much. Or if you prefer you can also use the rope butter in a cloth to keep your hands clean.

Then let the rope hang for a few hours in the sun to let it all soak in.

If it is still a bit dry I add a bit more rope butter or I used a scented Australian jojoba oil. Depending on who the rope is for.
How I do this is like the rope butter in a rag and I pull it through again.

Remember you can always add more later, don’t overdo it.

In the weeks to come I’ll upload a little video so you all can have a visual.

I hope this helps you all and you have lots of fun with your new rope!

Reach out to us if you would like to know more.