The Kink College Etiquette and Boundaries for our,

Workshops, Events, Rope Jams and Discussion Groups.

The Kink College (TKC) is and always will be and inclusive place. We ask that you to help us uphold our etiquette and boundaries and our values when coming to our Workshops, Events, Discussion Groups and Rope Jams. We put great value on consent, negotiation and practising within the bounds of consent of all parties involved in your scene. We also ask you educate yourself with the risks involved in your activities and play/practice within yours and your partner’s limits.  

TKC runs various levels of workshops, play events, discussion groups and rope jams, we are predominantly an educational group that allows expression. We do have some restrictions on the kind of supplemental play that is allowed, we ask that all forms of play are event topic. Normal levels of noise and expression, such as moaning or spanking are always welcome, but loud extreme play we ask for you to abstain from. Any play that will make a mess, you will have to check in with us before hand. And we do have a non-negotiable ban on glitter. Any forms of play which cause damage to plant, equipment, or venue will be passed onto the persons involved, and we ask that you clean up after yourselves.

Safe words

TKC always encourages the use of safe words. You can always ask for help by simply asking 'help' or any variation of the word for help, If something doesn’t go according to plan. We do ask that please avoid using 'help' in your scenes so we can differentiate. If you would like a scene to stop you are welcome to use the safe word 'Red'. Red means please untie as quickly and safely as possible, or stopping any other play that might be going on. Please check in with your play partner regularly to avoid any complications.

After Care

We ask that when you are planning your scene that you negotiate your own after care, if you are engaging in any form of play. All involved in the scene are responsible for the after care of each other. People react differently from scene to scene and location. The team at TKC are not after care providers, First Aid providers we are, but we won’t be able to provide hours of cuddles to your squishy little puddles of mush.

Nudity and Sex

Nudity… as it often gets brought up. We don’t really mind, but… as there is always a but, Nudity must be kept indoors and out of sight of any open windows, and depending on the event, where it is, location, if there are any liquor licensing requirements and venue owner requirements. A quick ask to the friendly TKC staff will give you the correct answer for the different locations we use.  We do have a minimum dress code and at all our Shibari rope sessions, gym shorts and crop tops, Gym wear is totally accepted.

As for sex we don’t allow sex or sexual gratification on site at any of our gatherings. Sorry we know it’s fun but it’s not allowed.


We know people love taking pictures of what they get unto - you are welcome to take photos of your own work, scene, rope, fun, as long as everyone in the photo consents to it. We will talk about consent and photos a little later on in the consent section, but please just avoid getting people in the backgrounds, take pictures against the walls. Don't post pictures online without asking the person in the picture first. If you post pictures on Instagram or Fetlife, you are welcome to tag us @TheKinkCollege

Consideration and Mindfulness

Consideration and mindfulness of others is a requirement in all events, workshops, discussion groups and rope jams.

Please keep your play space to your own area, as some places are space restricted so a neat area will help solve these restrictions. Also, please refrain from loud discussions around people’s scenes. It can be a real mood killer if people are shouting next to a soft scene or running about. Don’t interrupt a scene unless there is an issue, popping in for a chat to someone mid scene is a no no.. and please don’t walk through, step over or get too close to peoples play spaces. If you get hit by something clearly you were to close and too bad to you. At our rope jams or play events please pack up and move away from suspension points and equipment in a timely manner after your scene to allow other people to use it. We don’t “mark out” our spots and walk away chatting to people for the night. Other people might like to use the spot. And if you are going to be doing rope it is a requirement you have your own safety sheer just in case you need them. We do provide some rope at our rope jams, the condition of using it is, that you check it before use, and that it is not use for mouth or crotch rope, and also not used for suspension. It’s for floor work only, and return it at the end of the session.

Please don't touch other people's belongings without their consent, especially their kink toys. If you are asking who owns something, it shouldn't already be in your hand. We, as organisers, may need to move your bags out of the way sometimes but will not excessively touch your things. Keep your stuff under the table or out of the way to avoid this.

We all have a voice and an option, please be considerate of this in our discussion groups, it is ok to have a different option to someone that’s the world we live in. We don’t talk over, interrupt, belittle people or be rude to each other in these groups.

If you want or need help please ask, we are always willing to help out, we do ask that people don’t impose their assistance on others in our learning or sharing environments as some people may feel uncomfortable in saying no. Don’t invite yourself into someone’s scene.


Consent is an ever-growing discussion.

We at the kink college practice activate, enthusiastic, and informed consent. We ask that everyone attending our workshops, events, rope jams, rope workshops, discussion groups, act in a consensual manner, set healthy boundaries and educate themselves in all aspects of consent.

When attending with all our workshops, at some point we might need to interact with you. We will discuss consent and our possible interaction with you at the start of each class. We will ask that you speak up if you are uncomfortable with anything, such as casual pointing, touching of rope placement or equipment as part of instruction, any request, exercise or anything else occurring during any workshop, class, lesson or event.

Consent also includes, sharing of information from what people say in the discussion groups, to what people do in our workshops, events and rope jams, and taking and sharing of photographs, let’s keep all that private, as they are all private and intimate events.

Please remember that sharing and posting photos of someone online without their consent can land you in a lot of hot water.

Blurring a person out still shows that you have taking a possible comprising photo of someone. Some people can still be recognised even if their faces are blurred by shape, clothing, tattoos, or jewellery. It can have serious consequences with family and with someones work life if they are outed. So ask first before taking photos. All our workshops, events, rope jams, and discussion groups are private intimate spaces not public spaces. If someone flags a posted photo online and we ask you to edit, please understand we are doing some to keep peoples identities private, some people wish to stay anonymous.


We do have a complaints procedure, if there is something or conduct which you are not comfortable with, we encourage people to bring this up with us.

We also encourage people to speak to us directly if someone has breached their consent.

Anything that is deemed illegal will be referred to the police and we will offer our full support.

We as the hosts will do everything we can to provide a safer environment for people but we can’t be held responsible for other people actions. If you come to our workshop, events, or rope jams, or meet people at discussion groups and then engage in any form of activity with them we cannot be held responsible for what you both do. It is up to you to set your own healthy boundaries.  We ask all people to be accountable for their personal actions. And we ask that you vet your own play partners, and follow up on the vetting yourself, TKC does not vet people.

If we are contacted by someone with a complaint and we are asked to bring this forward to the other party we do so in good faith to help find a solution to the situation. We ask for all to be understanding that this is being done to help build a better community, we will not tolerate abuse and ask everyone to act respectfully.

This policy is a live document, so if you feel that it needs updating, or something needs to be added you are welcome to discuss with us.

If something happens to you in one of ours spaces please contact us and we will do our best to support you.