Tantalising TitBits and The Degustation Menu

We coined the fraise ‘Tantalising TitBits’ as It seems everyone does 101 workshops, we wanted to sound a little different. The TitBits are short Taste test about 2 hours long. The larger Workshops that we run that are between 4-5 hours long, which all leading up to a ‘Degustation Menu’ which is a taste of many different Kink workshops on the one weekend. This is were people can come and explore different forms of kink under the same roof. Mini workshops and little taste tests, hence the name “Tantalising TitBits” a little bit of exposure before the larger work shop, all leading into the Degustation Menu.

With all our workshops we run the easy kink learning plan. Talk , Show, Practice.

Talk: Researching each kink workshop for best practise, highlighting the possible concerns and dangers that could be involved, minimise the possible harm and give risk management for a greater informed community.

Show: Demonstrate best practice and physically show how the kink in each workshop can be done. Highlighting the safety content in the theory side of the workshop.

Practice: This is the fun part. We allow the attendees, under the supervision of the ever watchful staff of The Kink College a time to play/act out what has just been talking about and shown in the earlier part of the workshop.

If attendees are not comfortable in participating in the practical then that’s ok. We also believe in baby steps, slowly finding your kink groove.

When and where are the workshops?

The Kink College runs regular workshops here in Perth W.A. Some Workshops are advertise for the general public and some are hosted privately.

We list all our public workshops on our social media accounts. Facebook, Instagram and Fetlife,

And all our workshops tickets are listed on Eventbrite.

Follow us on our social media accounts to see regular updates.

If you’re on our mailing list we will message when we have an event or workshop planned.