The Kink College (TKC) are dedicated to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all personal and proprietary information. 

Confidential information of a private or proprietary nature includes but is not limited to staff, contractors, members, clients, visitors employee lists, client lists, supplier lists, commercially sensitive information, contractual information, personnel details and medical information. 

TKC’s key policy principles: 

·       This policy requires that all personnel including both employees and contractors treat all private and confidential information accordingly. 

·       TKC will comply with all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations surrounding privacy and confidentiality in the workplace. 

·       All confidential information must only be used for the purpose for which it is intended, stored in a secure location and disposed of in a secure way so as not to allow access of such information to individuals unauthorised to obtain such information. 

·       Only authorised personnel will be permitted to obtain and use private and confidential information.